Ever feel like you are out of place? Ever feel as if you can't relate to the people around you? Ever feel like you may not necessarily belong in the place that you are currently in? Ever crave to know what could be awaiting you and where? Ever yearn to explore this vast world and get lost in culture? To answer my own questions, YES! This feeling inside of me caused me to not only create this blog post, but also to manifest my many thoughts into my actual life. So if you guys don't mind, I will share with you my first SOLO backpacking journey across the world!
My Brave Start...
The most important part of planning any trip is to do your proper research! This includes but not limited to: checking flight cost, hotel cost, currency exchange rate, customs and practices of the place you wish to visit, what that place has to offer, food cost, weather, and much more. All of theses details helped me to decide on the route of my journey. It took a lot of research and I do mean a lot, but I made up in my mind on where I exactly would go and how I would do it!
I purchased a one way ticket to London from LAX via WOW Airlines for $99. My next step was to find a ticket to LAX from DFW. I immediately went to my go to airline SPIRIT for a cheap one way to LAX and found one for only $55. (So that means that it only cost me $154 to get to London.) I was so happy of the cheap cost, but knew in my heart that I wanted more than just London.....

Los Angeles, California
When flying multiple airlines, it is important to space out the time between flights. This will prevent you from missing a flight in the event that one is delayed or even if you get lost trying to locate your gate. With that being said, I planned my flight out to where I would have approximately 12 hours in Cali. Being the planner that I am, I researched some FREE thing for me to do in LA while I waited for my 10pm flight to London. I visited the BROAD museum, China Town, a local dispensary and family during those 12 hours.

WOW Airlines
My experience aboard WOW Air was AMAZING!!! The staff were all so full of life and well groomed! All dressed in a vibrant purple uniforms, hair in a neat low bun, and the cutest Iceland accent (LOL). Between my 10mg Melatonin and my 10pm flight, I slept like a baby all the way to ICELAND. The layover there was only 1 1/2 hours and then I was back in the air bound for London.

Sleeping at the Airport
Me out of all people would have never considered this an option, but trusting your own common sense can save you time and money! Remember me saying that I wanted more than London? Well that feeling made me do further research into what, where and how much would it cost me to go further. To my pleasant surprise, AFRICA was within reach!!!!!! It was a no brainer for me when making Morocco my final destination. So I booked a flight into Marrakech, Morocco Africa for only $75. I bought the earliest flight leaving London on my actual birthday 9/19! I landed in London around 9:30 pm on 9/18. It didn't make any sense leaving the airport, checking into a hotel, and finding transportation back to the airport for a 6 o'clock am flight. So this is how I ended up "sleeping" at LGW airport. I really didn't sleep. I passed the time reading and freshening up a bit, they had a lounge with showers!

The flight that changed my life...
My heart fluttered at the mere thought of little old me traveling over 5,000 miles by myself for a sense of inner peace, belonging, and to kill my curiosity about the MOTHER LAND!!! The flight only lasted 2 1/2 hours thankfully. Before I knew it, I was in AFRICA. I was ready at that point to see what this place had waiting on me! Think about it... My day of birth, in Mama AFRICA!!! A feeling of comfort swept over my entire being as I made my way out of the airport to meet my personal tour guide. And just as my gut feeling had given =me, I knew that I made the perfect decision. I was greeted in this foreign land by the most kindest, genuine, positive, and most gentle person that I had ever met!!! My tour guide was there with a huge smile and flowers.
I felt I was at home surrounded by wonderful energy.
To learn more about Jasmin, please visit her website: www.yogaalmighty.com.
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